Radiologic students shine at Scholar Bowl

Southern Illinois University



Radiologic students shine at Scholar Bowl

April 24, 2017

Thirteen students from the junior radiography program along with Sandi Watts attended the 82nd Annual ISSRT (Illinois State Society of Radiologic Technologist) Conference this past week, April 19-21, in East Peoria, IL.  Over 360 students and technologists from 14 schools in the state attended.  This year the students attended seminars including a physics review for their national boards,  resume writing, real life scenarios and how to handle them, radiation therapy, CT, MRI and Nuclear Medicine.  The students were also able to meet Bill Calloway, who is the author of one of their textbooks!  The highlight of the conference is always the Scholar Bowl.  11 schools from the state participated with the SIUC team winning 2nd Place!  Congratulations to Cristin Edwards, Jenna Clary, Kellen Bernickus and Hailee Brown!!

82nd Annual ISSRT (Illinois State Society of Radiologic Technologist) 82nd Annual ISSRT (Illinois State Society of Radiologic Technologist)
82nd Annual ISSRT (Illinois State Society of Radiologic Technologist) 82nd Annual ISSRT (Illinois State Society of Radiologic Technologist)