Summer Research Support

Southern Illinois University



Summer Research Support

Summer Research support provides up to a month of salary support for a CHHS tenured/tenure track faculty member or a continuing appointment non-tenure track CHHS faculty member working with a T/TT track faculty member. Support is provided to conduct rigorous research. Funded research is generally part of a pilot effort to prepare for grant submission or to publish in peer-reviewed outlets. Faculty may be awarded up to one grant per summer award period. The number of awards approved during each period will depend upon the quality of proposals and funds available.


You Jung Choi

Camilo Hurtado-Parrado

Julie Partridge

Jane Nichols

Matthew West


FY 2022     

Tamara Kang

Julie Partridge

Sean Quisenberry

Ryan Redner

Ankita Sahu

Lesley Shawler